
My orchestral and ensemble pieces are often abstract and purely musical, about sounds and textures for their own sake, sometimes emotional, sometimes intellectual, but about music in its own right.

Other pieces are often more theatrical, designed to provoke reaction. I respond directly to the political events around me and the social consequences of injustices and inequalities all too apparent in our society.

More personal songs are often a reaction to family events , a particular focus recently on loss and bereavement.

I still write in a traditional score driven way when writing orchestral music, but increasingly use virtual instruments and midi to create self sufficient musical events. Rock music and songs are generally recorded in a traditional manner with microphones through a desk, though mixing and mastering are done using contemporary software and computers.

Latest Release


Old Mother Hubbard
Lyrics written whilst waiting for blood tests. What more need I say?

Just A Little Something
A common theme in my work is loss and the problems associated with moving on when part of you just wants to go back. This is a simple arrangement of a simply constructed song; deliberately so.

One Year On
Written a year on from the death of Fiona, my much missed wife and partner of 30 years.   

Needles In the Playground
A satirical take on the condition of austerity depleted Britain.

Thirty Years Ago Today
A reflection on my 30th wedding anniversary a year on from the death of my much loved Fiona.