Nothing happened…

Memory is a funny thing.  Why do we forget the ‘important’ things that we know we must make every effort to remember and then recall the seemingly inconsequential for no apparent reason?

I have just driven across the country to teach a lesson and started to bring to mind exact details of making the same drive a year ago, a drive I make every week, on which nothing of any consequence happened.  All this non-happening made me consider the wonderful songs of Bruce Springsteen and Bob Dylan in which the basis for a story is clearly set out and then expectation deliberately undermined by a non-event. Nothing happens.

Why does this excite me so much?  I don’t know, but perhaps at heart I really just crave a little bit of time without any more big events.

Here’s to a peaceful New Year in whcih people are allowed to live their lives as they wish without coming to harm or being bullied to fit the mould.  Blessings to you all.